Never a Good Superman Movie

Well fellow fans of Superman lore, who also have a distaste for every Superman movie ever made, our wait may be over. Let’s remember some of the bad times (language warning at the end):

Let’s hope that this really is going to be good:

And then let’s hope that this means something too (Maybe Spoilers):

More Miserables

I had to go watch a high school production of Les Miserables back in the day and I hated it like crazy. It wasn’t just because of the bad teenage acting and singing. The whole thing annoyed me. That makes it a sure thing that I will never see the movie version that recently came out. And once again Honest Trailers are awesome:


Movie Review: Skyfall

Oh boy, yet another James Bond movie. I have to say that even the new darker, emotionally scarred, mopey version of James Bond has gotten old for me. I never much cared for the old James Bond Stuff either. In my eyes it has only been good for mining comedy material like Sean Connery quotes. On to the spoiler alerts for this particular movie.

Continue reading “Movie Review: Skyfall”

Nothing like a Good Trailer: Iron Man 3

Yes I know “Iron Man 2” was sub par. But even with terrible holes and writing “Avengers” somehow managed to be pretty enjoyable. This trailer looks considerably different from other recent Iron Man adventures:

Here’s to hoping that this and the new “Man of Steel” movie are as good as I hope they will be.