Tuskegee Experiment (1932-1972)
From 1932 to 1972 the U.S. Public Health Service began researching syphilis. They asked for black men with syphilis to participate in the study on the disease and it’s effects over time. Fifteen years into the experiment penicillin was widely used to get rid of syphilis. The experimenters did not stop their experiment there and then though. They wanted to observe the total course of the disease and let the men die. They did not tell the men about the new treatment options but instead just let them die. With this blatant violation of human rights staining the hands of a department of government, what is the clear answer? Another department of government of course. They created the Office for Human Research Protections. This office is now part of the gargantuan HHS.
Missouri Mormon Extermination Order (1838 – 1976)
Missouri Executive Order 44 enacted by Missouri governor Lilburn Boggs on October 27, 1838 stated that “the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace”. Many Missourians had previous conflicts and complaints about the LDS church. Conflicts included the tarring and feathering of church leaders and some disputes about property. A major complaint was that Mormons had come in and changed the politics of the area by voting in blocks. After things started to get more and more out of hand with mobs attacking Mormons and several Mormons seeking retaliation Boggs issued this overly harsh and unconstitutional order. Joseph Smith, the Leader of the Mormons visited U.S. President Martin Van Buren and asked him for help with all the troubles and Van Buren’s response was, “Your cause is just, but I can do nothing for you.” The Mormons had a mass exodus to Illinois to escape; leaving behind businesses, homes, farms and other valuable properties.
Do I need to say more? Many of the founders of this nation did not want to allow slavery but the southern states would not have united with them in the new country if they made it illegal. There are several clues to this in founding documents. For example, the Declaration of Independence doesn’t include the commonly heard “life, liberty and property” listed as rights but rather “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. The fact that we needed a thirteenth amendment for people to recognize the principles in the Constitution is an atrocity.
Woodrow Wilson
When most people think of Woodrow Wilson they think of a president who lived a long time ago who probably upheld the constitution to the best of his ability in the same way we imagine all the old presidents were just good guys. Dislike for presidents is usually reserved for those presidents that we have watched harm our country. Just a few of the wonderful treats that happened under good ol’ Woodrow:
- The re-segregation of our military.
- The imprisonment of thousands of people who disagreed with Wilson.
- The Federal Reserve.
- Income taxes made more easy to take from citizens.(16th amendment)
- Weakening of states powers by making senators elected by people instead of states. (17th amendment)
- Trying to get the US stuck in the league of nations.
- Wilson supported eugenics.
- And more…
MK Ultra
The details of this government program are mostly unknown. The mystery behind it is helped by the fact that in 1973 the director of the CIA ordered all documents on the subject to be destroyed. Some ex-CIA people say that the ending of the program was just a cover up and a disinformation campaign. What we do know is that MK Ultra had something to do with mind control research being done by the Office of Scientific Intelligence, officially in the 1950’s and 60’s. Agents would experiment on US citizens by administering different drugs to them and observing behavior. Many believe that the experiments were just taken to foreign countries but there is not solid proof of that, of course. It also seems there could be some connection between the Unabomber and the MK Ultra experiments.
This was really a progressive American dream to breed perfect humans. Following the work of Charles Darwin that you can change a species with good genes and time, many people decided this would be good to do to humans. In America 64,000 people were involuntarily sterilized because of their undesirable traits. The American practice of eugenics helped inspire Adolf Hitler and his beliefs on race and a perfect race. Many Nazis would cite American scientists in their justifications of their actions. The eugenics movement morphed into the abortion movement over time, thus they still have a way to get rid of “undesirables”.
Operation Keelhaul
From August 1946 to May of 1947 the Soviet Union had a bit of a problem with dissidents escaping and trying to live in areas not controlled by the Soviets. Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt had made a secret agreement that any Russians trying to escape would be rounded up and sent back. American and British troops rounded up Russians from Europe and sent them back to the Soviets. The Americans and British knew that the people were being executed when returned but they still had to follow the orders to send them back. British historian and author Nikolai Tolstoy described the scene of Americans returning to an internment camp after having delivered a shipment of people to the Russians:
The Americans returned to Plattling visibly shamefaced. Before their departure from the rendezvous in the forest, many had seen rows of bodies already hanging from the branches of nearby trees. On their return, even the SS men in a neighboring compound lined the wire fence and railed at them for their behavior. The Americans were too ashamed to reply.
Some people will say, “hey look at these horrible things done by the United States of America. They are pure evil.” But the fact is that these things all go against the ideas that America was founded on. These things were carried out by people who were not following the Constitution of the United States and had no interest in preserving life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness for others.