My father’s family usually has some kind of reunion on the 4th of July. In the year that my oldest child was first in existence for the 4th, my uncle called my brother and invited us to go. My brother covered his phone microphone and asked me if we wanted to go. I wasn’t feeling like it that day and told him to say “no” and give any reason he wanted, which would have included possibly just blaming me for no one going. What happened next is one for the history books.
He uncovered the phone and said, “No we’re not going to make it. Dale has to take his baby to a baby’s first 4th of July meeting.” Everyone in the room started to laugh at him as it was the most ridiculous excuse ever made up by anyone. After he hung up I said, “Well with an excuse like that, now we have to show up.” And we went to the reunion. In honor of my brother now having a son and with it being his first 4th of July I thought it would be a great time to whip this up: