I have been recording, editing, mixing and mastering songs for an album in my basement for the last little while. Therefore I have not spent that spare time making posts and such, as you may have noticed. I have resolved to make at least one post every week, even when busy making an album which I have decided to release on iTunes and the like in Feb.
To satisfy this weeks post I will put up something that is kinda dumb that I made during the recent NBA strike. I really dislike unions and this situation was no different.
I’m excited to hear that you’re working on putting an album out on iTunes. I’ve looked a few times for somewhere that you might be selling the tracks you’ve posted. Good luck!
I am trying to get it so I can have a physical CD for sale too, but options seem limited with regard to artwork. I have 14 songs that come in at about 58 minutes long total. I should be ready to throw out a single with some b-sides really soon.
Happy birthday by the way.