John Ziegler is a man who has taken it upon himself to get to the truth about what happened to Joe Paterno. This seems to have been, as the title suggests, an annoying and frustrating undertaking. It seems that the entire media is not willing to look at basic facts regarding the only Sandusky situation that Paterno had any slight knowledge of, which he reported. The media also seems unable or unwilling to separate Sandusky and Paterno. The situation only got worse when the other night, Ziegler went onto the show of the most annoying and frustrating idiot in the western world.
Morgan is an imbecile. Seriously though, victim number 2 is the shower noise that McQueary told Paterno about, which he then reported. Sandusky was not convicted in that instance. There are no other situations that Paterno had any knowledge of or anything to do with. So why did Paterno, and the Penn State football team, get punished when Sandusky did not? This is not that hard to understand.
This brings to mind a quote I heard the other day:
“Hell is other people” – Jean-Paul Sartre. Even though he’s a marxist idiot who helped advance critical theory, the quote still stands.