The Economy’s Organic

There’s a great deal of struggling these days. Scraping and juggling to make ends meet. People in election years get false hope from their preferred champion, but the truth is none of them will solve the problem.

When the major players in the game largely both play for the top down side, and the people believe that a solution can come in a top down directed fashion, we are almost guaranteed to see more videos of people feeling the weight of inflation and poor economic circumstances. The answer is to change your mind and get others to change their minds to see that the solution is the people. It starts at the bottom which is us. Our modern culture is terrible at getting people to be responsible and problem solve. It is very good at assigning blame and seeking revenge through giving power to some perceived champion. You can’t blame people for falling into the trap, it is what we have been given. You can however blame people for keeping the trap going once they can see that it exists. The trap helps to keep the macro economics scam going, people getting rich off of society struggling.

I know I’ve mentioned it before but these songs are a good basic primer on what has been going on for a long time and what will help to stop it.

Just remember these songs when the insanity from years of false prosperity catches up to us very soon.