You Gotta See This Rescue

A motorcyclist was trapped under a burning car in Logan Utah when a group of people banded together despite the heat and danger of explosion to lift the car and pull the man out.


Don’t hesitate to help someone in danger whether physical, emotional or spiritual just go for it.

Biggest Disappointment Ever

The title may be a bit overly dramatic but we should all be at least a little disappointed. Some time ago I saw that Nike had filed for a patent on something that got me very excited. I saw an announcement the other day that I thought would be the realization of years of hopes. Sadly this was not the case and I must voice my disappointment.

The patent was for the “Back to the Future 2” self-lacing shoes.

The thought of owning my own pair makes me insane with excitement. So last week when Nike had an announcement on the way I thought the waiting was over. The announcement was that Nike would be auctioning off 1,500 pairs of these shoes but they don’t actually lace themselves when put on. So not only would they be bought up by people with a ton of money to blow on them but they don’t even do the coolest thing that they should do. Not only are they going for more than $3,000 a piece and don’t do what they should, but they look stupid.

When it comes to those I have to say, “Keep it. I got a PitBull Now!”

Fun with Corporate Letters (McDonalds)

It is often very fun to write a letter to a company about their products or services. I once wrote a sweet letter to Charmin about a way they could save money by making rectangular sheets instead of squares. Sadly I do not have a copy of that letter or their reply which was very interesting.

Most recently I have written a letter to McDonalds about a problem I have had a couple of times at one of their establishments. Here it is:

Somebody who handles the drinks wears a ton of hand lotion. When I take a drink a smell like musky mouse urine wafts up in my face and overwhelms the taste of my drink. Normally I like the taste of mouse urine, but in this case the added moisturizers left on the cup get all over my hand and make me smell like fufu too. It is bad enough walking through a door after such a person has gone through leaving a mess of fairy snot on a door handle, but it is a whole new level when you feel like you are drinking it. Please tell the employees that lotion is something to be washed off of their hands along with the mucus, sebum, urine and excrement.

I am still waiting for a reply and will update this post with it if I get one.

Making Everybody Else Look Bad

I just saw something that made me feel like a schlub. What could it be that would make me feel so banausic? It has to do with one of the great regrets of my life. I never asked my father-in-law for his daughter’s hand in marriage. My defense has always been that she told me I didn’t need to, but that is a lame excuse as I should have just done it anyway. Luckily he is one of the coolest people on the planet and is very, very kind to me. Having two daughters myself now, I can say that I would want this little rite of passage to take place, but if my girls like guys who are as amazing as I am I could overlook not having it. All of that aside, let’s look at what triggered all these feelings:

I bow to this man’s creativity and really wish that I had thought of it. It would also have been handy to own a camera around the time I proposed. I also found something that makes me feel quite a bit better about things:

Seemed to be staged but I still feel a little better.

Stupid Tax

I have never played the lottery, but I have won before. So I guess you don’t have to play to win. It is really the only thing involving luck that I have ever won in my life. I have never even ever had the chance to yell that exciting word “BINGO”, not even when playing with my sister and cousin in my grandparents basement. I gave up on it a long time ago. But I digress, bitterly. On to the lottery.

I was walking to a dumpster, behind the service station that I worked at when I saw a Texas lottery ticket shining next to the dumpster. I picked it up and scratched it off to find that it was the golden ticket that would be redeemable for $2. Back in those days $2 would buy you 2 gallons of gasoline and a pack of gum. Needless to say I was excited. I walked over to a competing gas station down the street that had lottery stuff and claimed my glorious prize.

Now let’s look at why you have to play to lose. The odds are stacked phenomenally high against you. That is all. It should be pretty obvious but apparently it is not. In a 2006 survey 30% of people with no high school degree thought that the lottery was a strategy for building wealth. Most people who purchase tickets frequently, are poor and uneducated. I came across a sweet calculator that will show you just how hopeless it is to think you will win the lottery.

So there you have it. Unless you want to throw away a bunch of money it is a bad idea.

Surprised by 9/11 Truthers

I saw something a couple of months back and instantly thought that it would be more fuel to the 9/11 truth movement and their fun conspiracy theories that the U.S. government killed 3,000 Americans. Imagine my surprise when about 3 months later I have yet to see anything come out of it. At this point I will point out what it was. I just ask that you remember that I do not believe that the towers were imploded by government agencies and I believe that it was terrorists and heat that brought the buildings down.

Knowing how I feel, watch this:

In Bush’s description of watching 9/11 events unfold he says:

“…and shortly thereafter I was…started seeing images of the…aaah…of the building being….uh…you know…starting to crumble”

What I am shocked at is that the 9/11 truthers didn’t grab onto the word “being” and say that Bush was saying that the buildings were being demolished but caught himself mid-sentence.

I just thought I would bring it to people’s attention because it has been bothering me that no one has been making this claim. Once again, I don’t see how the thousands of people could have not noticed the CIA wiring the two towers for implosion in the months before 9/11 and find those conspiracies to be easily debunked and dismissed.