In a college class that I was required to take called “Developing Multimedia for Accessibility”, I had a teacher that really got under my skin. He had no plan for the class at all and he would just ask us what we wanted to do for the class. The first 5 weeks of class was an endless repeat of the teacher asking us what we wanted to do for the final, which was apparently going to be our entire grade. I decided to stop going to class and come back near the end of the semester when things were solidified. I popped in for one class in the middle of the semester and was amazed at what I heard.
Continue reading “Deaf Chat Rooms”Location Location Location
I was talking the other day with a friend about some pictures of funny stuff I had taken and thought I would put them up.
Continue reading “Location Location Location”Best Name Ever

A couple of years back I went to my brothers high school graduation. I was going to just catch the early part of the alphabet and go home after seeing my brother graduate. My plan was interrupted when I perused the program and saw the most wonderful name I have ever beheld. It was located in the “L” section. I thought to myself, “There is no way that this is real. No one would do something this cool.” As we got closer to the “L’s”, I grew ever more excited. And then, it happened. That’s right, I watched as “First Middle Last” received a high school diploma. I count myself lucky to have been a witness to such a fine moment in name history.