Never a Good Superman Movie

Well fellow fans of Superman lore, who also have a distaste for every Superman movie ever made, our wait may be over. Let’s remember some of the bad times (language warning at the end):

Let’s hope that this really is going to be good:

And then let’s hope that this means something too (Maybe Spoilers):

Nothing like a Good Trailer: Iron Man 3

Yes I know “Iron Man 2” was sub par. But even with terrible holes and writing “Avengers” somehow managed to be pretty enjoyable. This trailer looks considerably different from other recent Iron Man adventures:

Here’s to hoping that this and the new “Man of Steel” movie are as good as I hope they will be.

Shutup. OK. : UPDATED

Still putting the new versions of videos up.

My brother Jared used to torture me when I was trying to go to sleep. I thought I would slap together a little animatic to let you in on my pain.

Basketball Video: UPDATED

Since I saw a butt on an ad after a video played on the old video player I was using (don’t use Revver) I switched to the old youtube and am re-posting my old videos so enjoy them again:

This is a dumb video I did a while back for a project in a class I had to take.

If you look close you can see my hand throwing the ball at the guy. We also gave him a wedding cake magazine to use in the beginning, in case you didn’t notice. We actually had to use a stunt double for the guy at the end because we made him run so much. The original guy, at the end, was actually laying there looking like that for real and we decided to shoot him. Then I rolled my basketball at him.

Fresh from the Dentist, Again – Dentofresh

I was looking through a bunch of the stuff I have put up over the past year and thought that a second look (or first if you came in late) might be a welcome thing. So I may re-post old material for flashback value. This time we will revisit the dentist office. I still can’t believe Sean Connery and Tracy Morgan helped me out with this video. Dentofresh

10 Cents

For videos that I make and put up on here I use revver which will pay for views on your videos. I just crossed the 10 cent barrier and to celebrate I am doing my first re-post of sorts. These are all my videos. Go ahead and pick your favorite and leave a comment about which one it is.