Is Anyone Else Sick of the Lying?

Why do we keep electing the people that completely disregard everything they said while in the process of trying to get elected? Can anyone just do what they say they are going to do? What reasons do they have for going back on their word?

A while ago I was confronted with one of the stupidest statements I have ever heard. someone said to me that Abraham Lincoln was, “The lyin’est president we ever done had.” My reply was, “Honest Abe, really, why do you say so?” At which point I was told that he told the country that he would not seek to end slavery if elected president. Apparently the person telling me this at the time is completely unaware of a little thing called history. It must be hard to find information on a small occurrence called the Civil War. Lincoln did not force the southern states to secede starting with South Carolina. He only responded to it. He did not break any campaign promise, but rather reacted to a national crisis and came out on the other side with slavery ended.

This national crisis model has been tried again and again since that time and while I believe honest Abe’s intentions, I am unsure of others. For example, George W. Bush said:

He came up with an excuse to go nation build in Iraq because of a crisis. I still need answers to a few questions. What connection did Saddam Hussein have to Al Qaida? WMDs? What was the picture that Colin Powell showed to the UN that was supposed to be WMDs?

The Obama administration is either lazy or they just don’t care about the myriad promises that have been completely disregarded. Here is a video of one broken promise (repeated several times):

Check out the chuckle that all these politicians have when asked about something promised on the campaign trail:

So it’s funny to lie to the people who elect you now. What a hootin’ hollerin’ good time.