Shutup. OK. : UPDATED

Still putting the new versions of videos up.

My brother Jared used to torture me when I was trying to go to sleep. I thought I would slap together a little animatic to let you in on my pain.

Basketball Video: UPDATED

Since I saw a butt on an ad after a video played on the old video player I was using (don’t use Revver) I switched to the old youtube and am re-posting my old videos so enjoy them again:

This is a dumb video I did a while back for a project in a class I had to take.

If you look close you can see my hand throwing the ball at the guy. We also gave him a wedding cake magazine to use in the beginning, in case you didn’t notice. We actually had to use a stunt double for the guy at the end because we made him run so much. The original guy, at the end, was actually laying there looking like that for real and we decided to shoot him. Then I rolled my basketball at him.

Finally a Movie I Want to See

I haven’t seen many movie trailers that have really caught my eye for a while now. When I saw this one it was so inspiring and hilarious that I couldn’t help but want to see it.

Paragraph about desire to see the film. Additional sentence in aforementioned paragraph. Another statement to drive home the purpose of the paragraph.

Final clever quip about movies.

Television Debut

A house exploded next to the office for the job I just got laid off from. I went in to move some stuff out and had to clean up some glass. A local news lady came by and asked me a couple of questions and then they filmed me sweeping. I checked their news story about it and was amazed to see my television debut. I was actually on TV once as a kid singing a song at school but all the other kids were there and you couldn’t really see me. In this one I am clearly visible. Enjoy:

My Television Debut (You will see me at 1:41 in the video)

That’s right my pant-leg and shoe in their full glory. I can’t believe I was on TV. I guess for my fifteen minutes of fame I have 14:58 left.

0118 999 88199 9119725 3

I would just like to take a minute to promote a great show that is unavailable in the U.S. on television. It is called the IT Crowd. I think they were going to make a U.S. version or they may have already tried it and failed. The U.K. version is hilarious and it is unnecessary to try to change it for the U.S.. Follow these links and enjoy the hilarity:


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I recommend it as long as you are aware that they have different ideas in the U.K. for what is considered offensive language.


I was thinking the other day about how relaxing it might be to be a b-roll camera man. To just go shoot footage of people doing generic things or shooting scenery would be pretty easy. Imagine my surprise when I find this video this morning: