I’ll Take 3 of Them

While watching television you are bombarded with an extremely high number of commercials. If the commercials could be as entertaining as the shows it wouldn’t be a problem, but they rarely are. Most commercials are just plain dumb. You know what I am talking about. You’ve lived through it. I really wish that I could be the guy to come up with commercials for people. I know I could do a much better job than many of the people that are doing it nowadays. In the near future I will have a few posts about different kinds of commercials and how they bother me. I have already done one fake commercial mocking many tooth product commercials that claim to give you that “fresh from the dentist feeling”. More of that should be coming in the future too.

For now I am content to let you see what I think is the most effective commercial ever. I will also throw in some others from the great minds that came up with that one.

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Extra Great Ones

One Reply to “I’ll Take 3 of Them”

  1. Dude. How did they do that last one with the base sliding? That’s what I want to know.

    The words “Olds” and “Pice” don’t make much sense, though. One is a car, and the other is… well, I’m not sure. Maybe it’s short for something like “Pisces”, eh?

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