Government and it’s Place

After listening to people go on about politics and government for some time I must conclude that most people don’t really understand government. The American system of government was made to limit government and it’s intrusion on the lives of citizens. That is an essential principle and is worth stating again. The American system of government was made to limit government and it’s intrusion on the lives of citizens.

The founders of the US were fed up with the age old problem of power-hungry, greedy people ruling over the masses. They devised a system that allowed the people to remove government when it began to oppress them or go contrary to their will. The system that they have created has kept the US free from despotism for the most part, for all the years since and has inspired other countries to creep closer to our system. If you do not believe that people want to enslave and gain power over the American people, then you are a complete idiot and that is the nicest term I can find.

Many of the ways which our independence can be taken were set forth by our founders as warnings of what not to do. A majority of the people of this country have completely ignored these warnings and are sending us down a very bad road. I will post more on these weaknesses later, but for now it will be good to teach ourselves the proper place of government and why it must be kept in that place.

3 Replies to “Government and it’s Place”

  1. I agree, inasmuch as large corporations and corporate interests run our country, including the Bushian and Obaman bailouts (driven by said interests), we are going down the wrong road for sure. I am totally OK with more taxes for the top 1%, though.

  2. I also disagree with the video guy’s premise. He’s talking about progressive vs. libertarianism/anarchy. Fascism was most definitely a right wing religious movement, like in the fictional V for Vendetta. Hitler wanted more religion, not less. Perhaps a definition of terms or more research of what those terms mean would be merited for myself and the video producer, but it seems very propaganda-like. To me, it seems like this guy is redefining history to fit his agenda, not the other way around. I almost wish I had time to fact check the copious amount of premises he is making in the video (aside from what I mention above).

  3. You are falling into the right wing/left wing parliamentary seating definition. As opposed to the political spectrum which is as was shown, although many people have their own versions. You may also be running into the problem of trying to place Republicans and Democrats into places of right and left respectively, when they generally are both toward the left side in today’s world. Even if this spectrum was newly made up by the video guy (which it is not) it still makes things more clear and simplified.

    Hitler did not want more religion, he wanted more of his beliefs. He slaughtered many religious people and he was not pals with Pope Pius XII as many would have you believe. The leader of the Hitler youth said, “the destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist movement.” (National Socialists were Nazis) If Hitler wanted more religion I must wonder which one it was and if it believed in “Thou shalt not kill.” The other popular “fascist” Mussolini was a strongly anti-catholic atheist before he realized the people would give him more political legitimacy if he nixed expression of such beliefs.

    The word fascism has been overused and misused so much as to render it a completely useless word. It has no clear distinction from dictator or from “bully” as the late George Orwell put it. The only common thread in most uses of fascism is that government and corporations cooperated to control the people.

    It seems that someone has redefined history for their purposes and fed it to you Gus. This video is basic and simple. It does not refer to wings of parliament but to the amount of power government holds over people.

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