Great Equalizer

Remember the story of David and Goliath? Goliath had pure size and brute strength and was defeated by a pebble which was hurled by a sling. In those days that was quite the accomplishment, but in modern times this kind of thing occurs a lot more. The fact that it occurs a lot more is really mucking up the gene pool. Think about it. If genes are normally passed on under the “survival of the fittest” rule, then the gene pool should improve over time. There are also the problems of the nurture method being affected by the new ease with which someone can kill someone else.

Let’s say there is a healthy, upstanding individual with a good education and enough money to survive comfortably. Now, we can introduce this individual to an all too common situation in which someone needs drug money and comes to rob their home. The crackhead individual is brandishing the great equalizer in the form of a 9mm. In the days of yore the crackhead would get beat down by the upstanding individual in the ensuing struggle. But with his new weapon he can easily eliminate any trouble that he might have had. Now instead of the upstanding individual passing on his genes and teaching others to be like him. The crackhead will go out and get high with a trashy, promiscuous woman and knock her up, thus completing the new twisted circle of life. The genes and nurture, (or lack thereof) that a person will receive from the crackhead and the trashy lady will, in most cases, produce a person of lower caliber (Pun Intended).

I am in no way for gun control, but rather believe that since they exist in the first place as many upstanding people as possible should have the great equalizer. Gun laws are one of the most stupid thing ever devised by man. Clearly such laws only prevent law-biding citizens from owning guns and give criminals peace of mind when committing crimes.

One Reply to “Great Equalizer”

  1. To further your argument, it should be noted that owning a pool is far more lethal to a child than owning a gun (especially if one teaches the child gun safety). (Related link: … And as this link implies, I’m a fan of Freakonomics.)

    Speaking for myself, when I owned a gun the feeling I felt after purchase was amazing. I almost immediately thought, “There are those with and those without guns. Now I’m in the ‘with’ category.”

    In an ideal world, we probably wouldn’t have them except to hunt for food, but reality is not always kind, fair, or just.

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