What Has Bugged Me About Popular Music For a Long Time

I have always been annoyed by music being the same old junk sung by a different person under a different song name. There are two or three extremely overused chord progressions that drive me crazy and I saw a video the other day that demonstrated what I hate. They do a lot of songs that used the same progressions but, sadly I can think of quite a few more (I think I heard some salty sailor language somewhere on it. In case you are sensitive.)

It is too bad we don’t demand more of our “musicians”. They should have to come up with original material. I think this happens because there’s always a new crop of stupid kids to jump on board with the latest trendy music, even if that trendy music is the same trendy music of yesteryear. No one listens to classics. We should have a lot less “musicians” in this world because there is plenty of music to listen to already. Radio stations should all play old stuff with a couple of new songs that are actually good. I am very opinionated about music and could go on forever.