It’s Like You Never Left

Someone put up a billboard with a picture of George W. Bush on it with the words “Miss Me Yet?” on it. If only there was another billboard right next to it, then I would put a picture of Obama on it striking the exact same pose with one of the following phrases on it:

  • “No”
  • “It’s like you never left”
  • “Why should we?”

Or something similar to those.

Some people seem to forget or were never aware of what Bush did that was awful. Many of the things that defined the Bush presidency are the same things going on in the Obama presidency. Bush expanded medical entitlement programs. Obama wants to. Bush got government further into education. Obama will probably want to, although if he doesn’t, school children sing enough songs about him that we can count that. Bush abandoned free market principles to save the free market. Obama has continued the same non-free market policies. Bush seemed subservient to the Saudis at times. Obama has bowed to everyone and their dog. Bush wanted some form of amnesty for illegal immigrants. Obama will go for the same thing. Bush nominated an idiot for the Supreme Court and so has Obama. If you were looking for change in Iraq, Guantanamo or Afghanistan, you should be disappointed as well. The differences are few; more apologies, higher taxes and more speeches. Indeed it is as if he never left.