Remember the Alamo

I was once in a vegetative state back when I had television and saw what one could get away with calling a documentary about Ozzie Osbourne. There was a moment in the show when they started talking about a fairly famous incident which landed Ozzie in some trouble. The people that were interviewed about the incident talked about it in a seemingly amused manner and appeared to think it was actually quite funny. The occurrence that I speak of is the time he urinated on the Alamo. As someone who grew up in Texas and finds himself acting more and more like Hank Hill all the time, I am very sickened by someone peeing on the Alamo.

About the incident, Ozzie has said that he regrets it happening, but not because he urinated on and desecrated the Alamo. He regrets it because he has fans in San Antonio who can’t come to shows because he is banned from coming back to San Antonio.

One may find themselves thinking, “What is the big deal? He is just a permanently stoned British guy. Who cares if he peed on the Alamo?” Let me help drive home what he actually did for you with a fake headline:

“Ozzie Osbourne Arrested for Urinating on Ground Zero”

If you can think that is funny or can brush it off easily then you need professional help. Just because the Battle of the Alamo happened at a time farther from us does not make it any less disrespectful to piss all over it. Even a perma-stoned, mumbling, mass of flesh could at least show a little bit of class.

One Reply to “Remember the Alamo”

  1. Yeah, as a consolation, at least his house probably smells like piss, despite all his cleaners do to support all his many dogs and all their [explicative deleted] …poop. Doesn’t he have dementia?

    Now I’ll always think of him as an incontinent moron. (As opposed to just: “A guy who’s not too bright”)

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