Hayek All the Way

Hayek and Keynes. Most people have never heard of either of them. At the pointless “Rally to Restore Sanity” a great many geniuses were infuriated and flummoxed  by a sign asking if Obama was Keynesian:

Leaving this embarrassing ignorance aside, Keynes and Hayek are metaphorically duking it out every day. Viewing historical examples Hayek has beaten Keynes into a bloody pulp. Despite the historical beat-downs powerful people still love and use Keynes. I really appreciate the series of videos that have been put out by EconStories explaining the differences between the two. The latest video is well worth the educational watch:

The fact that Hayek is so disrespected, first by a cavity search then by being declared the loser after knocking Keynes out, is downright hilarious to me as it rings very, very true. Good to see Hayek get a little respect from non-Federal Reserve types at the end. Even though what is represented here has serious consequences in the real world the video is pretty dang funny and even has a Bernanke look alike.