Make this Memorial Day Special

I would be willing to wager that there are many people who don’t know why we have Memorial Day. Luckily I am here to either inform or refresh your memory on the topic.

Memorial Day was something that came about in the years following the Civil War. There are several towns, both in the north and south that lay claim to being the birthplace of the holiday. At its earliest it was called “Decoration Day” which is when people went to decorate the graves of those who died fighting. The first officially declared Memorial Day was on May 30, 1868 when both union and confederate graves were decorated at Arlington Cemetary. At this time people in southern states did not recognize that day as the holiday. That did not occur more fully until after World War 1, when it became a holiday for more than just Civil War soldiers. In 1971 it was actually, finally made a federal holiday.

Make a special point to remember those who didn’t even know you, but died for you. And also remember those who may not have died while fighting, but did fight for you. And don’t just remember them on Memorial Day or Veterans Day, just kick it up a notch on those days.

Also let’s not let the following hilarious video be true: