Wastes of Time

You’ve wasted your time watching the shows, now waste some more naming them. Don’t forget “The Facts of Life”. For some Reason I couldn’t get it to accept GI Joe. Good Luck.

How many TV shows can you name in two minutes?

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How many Movies can you name in two minutes?

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The Saviors of Detroit (Real Power Wheels)

A few problems these guys just solved:

No one carpools
Too many gigantic gas guzzlers on the road
People can’t get credit to buy cars
Not seeing kids bolt out from behind cars
and many more…

I want one of those things

Hero of the Day

I just read about Ed Barnett who wrote a letter to the IRS. Before reading his letter I hadn’t really thought about all the different taxes we pay in one sitting. I usually just complain about phone taxes when I see them and sort of had them separate from sales taxes and medicare taxes in my mind.


Hearing Test

Train Horns

When I went to this site and played the 20kHz and it felt like a dentist was drilling on my soul. That’s pretty funny that they use the tone to keep teenagers away. If only I could have had such a device in high school. That is the last one I could hear.


I hate awards shows with a passion. It is like watching an entire industry give itself a big pat on the back or pleasure itself in some other way. Plus the fact that one movie or album gets proclaimed the best doesn’t mean anything to me. I usually hate what was picked anyway. I can’t understand why anyone wants to watch awards shows. The bad jokes, the political jabs and all the pretentious movies/music and millionaires; it is just too much for me to handle. Isn’t it award enough to get paid millions of dollars for playing dress up on camera or acting like you are a musician? Do they really have to get a trophy too? Another thing that really really bothers me is when one of the winners gets up and says something like, “If you keep trying, anything is possible.” The fact is that anything is not possible. Let’s crunch some numbers. 7 billion people in the world, most of them would like to win the award that was just given out. They only give it out once a year which means that in the average lifespan of a person they will give out about 75 of them leaving us a few billion short. Clearly it is not possible. Sorry Kevin Garnett you were wrong. “Anything is Possible” is a much easier phrase to say when you have just won something that the other 6.8 billion people in the world will never win. The next time the kid at Taco Bell repeats my order properly I will proclaim, “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!!” just so I can proclaim it with joy in my lifetime. But who am I kidding, those screw-ups at Taco Bell won’t ever get it right.

I do wish that I could watch the Razzies on TV. And I wish they were hosted by celebrities and had all the bad jokes. It is just nice to see the worst in something proclaimed and given a trophy. Sadly it is still not possible for all of us to win Razzies. Check out all the winners/losers.

I am very happy to see that Indiana Jones won for worst remake, sequel, prequel or ripoff. Very rightly so.

I have no idea who won any of the Oscars. But I will tell you that my “Movie of the Year Award” is split between “Iron Man” and “The Dark Knight”.


If you ever have time to waste just go to Kongregate they have a ton of games and I am sure you can find something you can get hooked on. Just be sure to set a timer to tell you when you must stop or you will get lost forever. I recently got lost playing Bubble Tanks.

Basketball Videos

My Grandpa taught me how to play basketball and he made me a Utah Jazz fan. He would rebound shots for me and pass the ball to me over and over again so I could practice shots. He taught me how to actually shoot the ball instead of just throwing it up. Before he got a hold of me I couldn’t even make a lay up. I was just thinking about those days and decided to gather some of my favorite plays in basketball. Also football is winding down and I need to turn my attention to basketball. Check these out:

Classic Vince Carter in the Olympics

Ronnie Price; The main source of my school pride

Classic Shaq. I remember seeing this when it happened. Crazy.

And his coach used to complain about him lounging around at practice.

Like a touchdown pass.

Pure skill.

One of the best comebacks ever, if not the best. Less than 20 seconds left in the game and Reggie Miller does this and then hits some free throws to win the game.

Another Classic basketball moment. I wish I could find a version without the cheesy reporter.

Awareness Awareness

Everyone should be aware of being aware. I tried the White team test a while ago and more recently found a mystery awareness test. Give them a try.

When I first did the top one I totally missed it and on the second one I only noticed one thing change and that is because it is slightly related to the top one.

The Once Mighty Bears

I can’t decide if watching a bear rip something to shreds or watching him beg tourists by waving is better. I think a combination of the two would be really cool.

Imagine hiking through the woods and going around the bend in a trail to find a bear waving at you.  You think “Well, this bear seems friendly.” Then the bear offers his massive paw for a handshake thus leading you to think, “Wow!! This bear knows the secret human handshake.  He’s got to be trustworthy.” Then you go in to introduce yourself and WHAM!! He tears you to pieces.